Friday, August 2, 2013

Week6 Prompt

Week 6
Reflect on what you have learned in the class and how you will use it professionally as both a lifelong learner and an instructional systems professional (or whatever field you’re in).

It's time to say goodbye with posting Week6 prompt.
I am so sad.

Web2.0 class have provided me with a well-organized guideline for getting into Web2.0 world. For me, the literally meaning of Web2.0 was unclear at the beginning of the semester. From this class, I have learned what Web2.0 is, how I can use it, why I use it, and so forth.

However, I sometimes feel that there are too many tools. I cannot maintain all of them continuously. I should find a couple of major tools for my a lifelong learning.! is one of them. I love its huge database. It is especially useful for my professional development. Unfortunately, many other tools might die in my web2.0 list. I am so selective..

For beginners in Web2.0 field, finding appropriate tools is important.
They might be distracted due to a lot of tools.
I realized that it is really necessary for beginners to be provided with well-designed guidelines. In this vein, the Web2.0 class is awesome.

In terms of my professional development, Web2.0 would become a good friend.
Useful knowledge already exists in Web2.0 world. 
What I need to do is to meet the world and participate in.
Now I am a beginner, peripheral, passive.. but I will keep trying to get into inside the world.
In the future, I will be an effective insider in my professional field as well as a leading person in the Web2.0 world!!!


"Sharing is a wonderful thing"

"Sharing is a wonderful thing"
This wonderful sentence is from Vanessa in her last VoiceThreads.
I love the meaning.

In the past, I did not know why sharing is important.
I thought that sharing does not provide any rewards.
People who are active sharing spend their time, but they have no rewards.
Thus I was a little bit negative on sharing.

However, during this class, I realize that many people have contributed to Web2.0 world with their enthusiastic passions to sharing. I really respect to all web2.0 people. They have made this wonderful world. Web2.0 class have changed my behaviors and thoughts about sharing.

I take advantages of sharing from others.
So I have to do sharing. I am responsible for sharing something.
That is an interaction. That is the power of our modern society.

Week6 Learnist vs.!

I might be wrong, but I think that Learnist and are really really similar to each other.

1. Main page's main page shows feeds I am following

Learnist's main page shows feeds I am following

2. Quantity of contents
 "Topic"page shows "165" related pages.

But, Learnist shows "10" related pages.

When I search "mobile learning" as a keyword, I can see that the quantity of the results are different.
Definitely has larger database.

3. Why is better than Learnist.
 Obviously, I can say that is better than Learnist. provides "Users" page when you enter any keywords.
This is awesome. You can find people who have same interests as you!!
This feature is really really helpful for you to establish your personal learning network.