Saturday, July 20, 2013

Week4: Prompt

Week 4
How do issues such as authorship, copyright and open access impact your desire, ability and willingness to engage in produsage, both personally and professionally? 

I am a produser in many areas.
First, in mobile app development, I became a produser from a consumer.
I am actually still a beginner level, but I can be a "producer" for real novices.
Yes, I will make simple lessons about mobile app development, in particular, really really beginner level. In this case, I never consider any authorship or copyrights about what I produced.
Everybody can use my works. That is because that I have used others work for free.
I have to contribute to this area as a producer.
In this sense, I don't think that my creatures are unique because they are not professional.
I am a low-level "producer" for super beginners.

However, I am very strict in professional.
Professionally, I am engaged in academic research.
Sometimes I feel that my new ideas should be protected before its publications.
Of course, I can open the new ideas with close colleagues, such as my advisor and some close friends.
But I don't want to open my new ideas to a public space, such as my blog or SNS.
That results in I never talk about my research ideas in public on Internet.
In this sense, I am a 'consumer' until I officially do publish the idea to my academic field.
Am I conservative??
But I don't mind to share my ideas with close friends.
I meant that I don't want to open them in public. 

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