Thursday, July 25, 2013

Week5: Storify

If you want to explore Storify, please watch this short video.

I can say that Storify is a tool for making stories based on data from many social media tools.
You can write any stories you are interested in.
But one limitation is that you can get resources only from social media.

This is a main screen in Storify.
It allows me to sign in with my Facebook account.
Many other social media based tools have the same way to sign in. It's very convenient. :)

Just click Create.
I choose Public. I am not a writer. I s*ck at writing. But I click 'Create a Public Story'.
Just read!! everyone!!!

Gee. I have no topic. But I am a kind of beat-boxer. Can you imagine?
Actually I can do beat-box. Anyway, find 'human beatbox' in the search bar.
Youtube may show a good result.

 Ha, here is the thing. The second video is one I frequently have seen.
The big guy is famous.
I wanted to write some story or narrative. It was failed.
Instead, I searched some images. Here is a good one.
The guy is handsome.

Let's finish. I'm done because it is a just test.
Click Publish!!!

*Storify is cool. It is attractive to people who enjoy writing. All resources for writing exist in social media world. You just enter any keywords who want to find. Drag it. Make the story.
Then SHARE!!!!


  1. I've been using it for my blog this term and really like the tool. I really like how you can drag and drop tweets from Twitter, photos from Flickr & Instagram, links from the web, videos, and more.

    Besides my blog for this course, I've created one at work to archive tweets for our MOOC, and to create weekly recaps for the MOOC (once it gets started) and news in the Aviation field.

    1. Actually I have been in your Storify before,
      but at that time I didn't realize what you were using Storify, lol!
      You let me know how you have been using Storify during the class!
      I'll go to your Storify again then follow you !

  2. Tang,
    This is awesome! This information is great, I have been building my personal learning network with Diigo but was second-guessing myself about using Storify instead, but you re-affirmed my choice, I want to make sure I can add resources other than social media! Thanks Tang!

    1. Erin,
      It's good for you.
      But for me, story-making is hard.
